Year Mo Day Time Freq de_call DX_call info dx_country 2020-03-02T00:16:58 7015.0 YO3LW MX0SNB CW England 2020-03-02T00:04:09 7033.0 LU5AG PY2NRT Maratona QRS 10 5NNSA Brazil 2020-03-01T23:56:23 7004.0 PY1JR CP4BT tu qso qrs10 CW Bolivia 2020-03-01T23:55:29 7032.5 LU5AG PU2NBI Maratona QRS 10 5NNSA Good for Brazil 2020-03-01T23:51:46 7004.0 N1RR CP4BT CW Bolivia 2020-03-01T23:45:52 7000.0 RN7G VP8PJ PSE 3567 F/H MODE! South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T23:43:32 7004.0 DL1BWU CP4BT tnx Bolivia 2020-03-01T23:43:17 7004.0 PY1SAD- CP4BT Maratona QRS10 5NN Bolivia 2020-03-01T23:34:30 7004.0 LU4AAO CP4BT Maratona QRS 10 Bolivia 2020-03-01T23:34:11 7037.1 K3AJ N4A NC United States 2020-03-01T23:33:08 7004.0 LU5AG CP4BT Maratona QRS 5NNSA Bolivia 2020-03-01T23:32:50 7013.1 W3LPL 6Y5FS Heard in IA Jamaica 2020-03-01T23:25:26 7010.0 PY6HD PY1JR QRS 10 OP JUNIOR CW Brazil 2020-03-01T23:22:10 7005.9 W3LPL 4O4T Heard in NC and PA Montenegro 2020-03-01T23:15:27 7004.0 W3LPL CP4BT Heard in NH Bolivia 2020-03-01T23:12:11 7023.0 LU5AG PY1SAD Maratona QRS10 5NNSA Brazil 2020-03-01T23:04:39 7006.2 M1DDD-@ 4O4T Montenegro 2020-03-01T23:04:22 7039.8 YT4T NS9I/MAC Scotland 2020-03-01T23:03:11 7029.0 LZ5PW W4IPC tnx qso United States 2020-03-01T23:03:10 7018.5 N5CM LZ3DP cq cq cq Bulgaria 2020-03-01T23:01:51 7030.0 LU5AG PY4ARS Maratona QRS 10 5NNSA Brazil 2020-03-01T23:01:44 7014.6 NW3Y CX2BR cq Uruguay 2020-03-01T23:01:29 7030.0 LU5AG PY2TEY Maratona QRS 10 5NNSA Brazil 2020-03-01T23:00:58 7006.9 W3LPL 4O4T Heard in NH Montenegro 2020-03-01T23:00:34 7030.0 LU5AG CX1LB Maratona QRS 10 5NNSA Uruguay 2020-03-01T23:00:14 7025.0 LU5AG LW5EGT Maratona QRS 10 5NNSA Argentina 2020-03-01T22:58:45 7010.0 M1DDD-@ VP8PJ up S outh Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T22:56:53 7005.0 PY1IR PS8MT MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T22:50:26 7034.4 VE9AA KS4S rob nc CW United States 2020-03-01T22:50:25 7005.1 PU4GOD PS8MT MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T22:44:03 7028.0 VE9AA K9UIY il CW United States 2020-03-01T22:43:20 7013.9 PU4GOD PP5BT MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T22:42:30 7030.9 VE9AA NS9I mac CW United States 2020-03-01T22:42:13 7010.0 LZ5PW VP8PJ tnx qso Alan up 1 South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T22:42:00 7010.1 PU4GOD VP8PJ up 1.47 South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T22:41:20 7039.0 W6LEN N9MM KFF-3043 United States 2020-03-01T22:40:39 7026.0 LU4AAO LU5AG Maratona QRS 10 Argentina 2020-03-01T22:40:15 7022.0 F2IL N9EN TKS FR FB QSO 73 United States 2020-03-01T22:40:01 7010.0 SP8ARY-@ VP8PJ CORR CALL - SRI South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T22:39:56 7034.0 PQ8VA PY4LH MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T22:39:08 7010.0 SP8ARY-@ VP6PJ UP UP NICE HR Pitcairn Island 2020-03-01T22:37:53 7021.0 LU5AG LU2DJI Maratona QRS 10 5NNSA Argentina 2020-03-01T22:35:43 7016.0 SV1RUX II4MCY Marconi Genius Award Italy 2020-03-01T22:29:01 7037.2 K3TN N4CAP United States 2020-03-01T22:27:32 7023.6 PU4GOD PY2TI MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T22:27:28 7010.0 IK4SBR VP8PJ Mny TNX 73 up 1.2 South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T22:26:48 7038.5 VE9AA N4CWZ sto CW United States 2020-03-01T22:22:49 7022.0 PY1ES-@ CX2BR CQ DX 73! Uruguay 2020-03-01T22:21:45 7020.0 PU4GOD PR7PM MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T22:20:30 7023.2 PY1IR PY2NRT MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T22:18:06 7023.0 PU4GOD PP2RR MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T22:17:32 7035.4 K4RUM N4AF NCQP United States 2020-03-01T22:16:18 7035.4 AC0W N4AF NCQP BEA United States 2020-03-01T22:15:06 7031.3 AC0W NS9I NCQP MAC United States 2020-03-01T22:12:54 7020.0 PY2FEB PP5COB MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T22:12:39 7023.2 PY1IR PP2RR MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T22:11:21 7010.0 CT1BWU VP8PJ Correct QRG Sorry South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T22:09:13 7017.0 LU4AAO XQ6CS Maratona QRS 10 Chile 2020-03-01T22:04:44 7017.0 LU4AAO PY4ARS Maratona QRS 10 Brazil 2020-03-01T22:03:51 7017.0 LU4AAO CX3BZ Maratona QRS 10 Uruguay 2020-03-01T22:03:24 7017.0 LU5AG LU4AAO Maratona QRS 10 5NN Argentina 2020-03-01T22:03:06 7026.3 PY2FEB PY2TEY MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T22:02:18 7010.0 PY1ZV VP8PJ QSX 7011.10 tu CW South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T22:02:11 7017.0 LU4AAO PY1SAD Maratona QRS 10 Brazil 2020-03-01T22:00:32 7025.0 K1ETA CT7AFI Portugal 2020-03-01T22:00:19 7034.0 PQ8VA PT7CA MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:58:23 7039.0 K3AJ N4IJ NC United States 2020-03-01T21:57:28 7023.0 PY2FEB PP2RR MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:57:00 7038.0 K4TZZ-@ N4L ncqp bun United States 2020-03-01T21:56:55 7010.0 VU2CDP VP8PJ up 1 sigs coming up South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T21:56:07 7010.0 PY6TS VP8PJ QSX 7011.50tu qso South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T21:55:49 7007.5 PU2NBI PP5BT MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:54:28 7007.0 SWL-@ 8Q7VR golden tooth and golden chain need dollars Maldives 2020-03-01T21:53:43 7010.0 PY2AB VP8PJ TNX UP 1.2 South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T21:53:30 7014.0 PY1IR PP5BT MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:52:12 7017.0 PY1SAD LU4AAO MARATONA-QRS10 Argentina 2020-03-01T21:51:15 7007.0 SWL-@ 8Q7VR gold tooth and gold and gold chain need dollars Maldives 2020-03-01T21:50:44 7039.0 W4EE N4IJ NCQP RUT United States 2020-03-01T21:50:17 7032.0 PY1IR ZW86LABRE MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:49:27 7038.9 K1RV N4IJ RUT United States 2020-03-01T21:49:19 7034.0 PQ8VA PY4ARS MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:48:45 7010.0 PE0WTH-@ VP8PJ LOTW update South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T21:48:28 7007.5 PU2NBI PY2MIA MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:48:12 7007.0 SWL-@ 8Q7VR ukrainian working for dollars Maldives 2020-03-01T21:48:07 7008.0 W3LPL 8Q7VR Heard in NH Maldives 2020-03-01T21:47:56 7001.0 W3LPL TA1PB Heard in NH European Turkey 2020-03-01T21:47:49 7013.9 PY1SAD PP5BT MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:47:25 7017.0 LU4AAO PY3ZZR Maratona QRS 10 5NNSA Brazil 2020-03-01T21:46:03 7016.4 PY2FEB PY4LH MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:45:19 7019.0 PY2FEB PY2OT MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:44:46 7020.5 NF7D 7X4AN Tnx for QSO Med! Algeria 2020-03-01T21:44:39 7034.0 PQ8VA PR7PM MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:43:04 7010.0 RT3D VP8PJ Up 1 TNX new one ! South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T21:43:00 7017.0 LU4AAO PY2PIM Maratona QRS 10 5NNSA Brazil 2020-03-01T21:42:52 7023.5 PY1SAD PY2SWL MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:42:42 7026.2 PY1IR PY5WEF MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:41:43 7010.0 PY1JR VP8PJ QSX 7011.40 VC ESTANA QRG DE South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T21:40:49 7023.0 PY1SAD PP2RR MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:39:26 7038.8 K0UU N4IJ NCQP RUT United States 2020-03-01T21:38:52 7020.5 W4FOA-@ 7X4AN CQ CQ Algeria 2020-03-01T21:38:49 7023.8 PY1IR PY2SWL MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:38:09 7027.0 PY1SAD PY2NCM MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:37:52 7031.1 W1CTN NS9I LOCATED IN NC -MAC- United States 2020-03-01T21:37:34 7016.6 W4FOA-@ 9Q1C Dem. Rep. of the Congo 2020-03-01T21:35:50 7019.0 PY2FEB PY2TI MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:34:37 7027.0 PY1SAD PY2TEY MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:34:29 7028.0 EA1LT-@ EH8URT GRACIAS Canary Islands 2020-03-01T21:34:11 7007.0 N2WX-@ 8Q7VR CQ NA Maldives 2020-03-01T21:33:58 7006.0 PU4GOD PY2OSD MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:33:32 7007.0 W3LPL 8Q7VR Heard in NH Maldives 2020-03-01T21:32:57 7024.5 PY1SAD PP5COB MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:32:24 7006.0 PU4GOD PU2NBI MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:32:12 7012.8 PY1IR PY2NCM MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:31:59 7024.5 PY1SAD PY2FEB MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:31:57 7006.0 PU2NBI PU4GOD MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:29:07 7035.9 W1FM K4MN United States 2020-03-01T21:29:00 7028.0 YB1UUN EH8URT Canary Islands 2020-03-01T21:27:57 7024.5 PY1SAD PT7WM MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:27:42 7010.0 F5LDY VP8PJ TNX QSO UP 1.2 South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T21:27:40 7024.5 PY1SAD PY2OT MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:26:40 7006.0 PU4GOD PT2NP MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:26:28 7031.2 K0UU NS9I NCQP MAC United States 2020-03-01T21:26:25 7014.6 PY2FEB PY1IR MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:25:12 7024.5 PY1SAD PY2XT MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:23:46 7024.5 PY2OSD PP2CC MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:22:11 7034.9 K1RV N4AF BEA United States 2020-03-01T21:22:03 7024.5 PY2NMS PY1SAD MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:21:22 7010.0 S51KD VP8PJ QSX 7011.40 South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T21:21:21 7038.1 VE9AA K4PV florida CW United States 2020-03-01T21:21:17 7028.0 HA6VH EH8URT Canary Islands 2020-03-01T21:21:10 7010.0 PY1JR PY2OT QSX 7012.00 CW Brazil 2020-03-01T21:20:20 7023.6 PU4GOD PY2PIM MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:19:48 7029.0 PY2NMS PP2CC MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:19:39 7024.5 PY2OSD PY1SAD MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:18:06 7023.5 PT2AW PY2SWL MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:17:02 7023.6 PU4GOD PY2SWL MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:16:27 7028.0 EA8A EA8URT Canary Islands 2020-03-01T21:16:04 7003.0 PY2NMS PY3ZZR MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:15:10 7034.9 VE9AA N4AF CW United States 2020-03-01T21:13:19 7023.0 PT2AW PY2OT MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:11:56 7010.0 PY1JR PY2FEB QSX 7012.00 vc esta na qrg de Brazil 2020-03-01T21:10:46 7013.0 PY2FEB PY2MIA MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:10:14 7007.0 EK6CW-@ 3Z90PZK Cw Poland 2020-03-01T21:08:48 7021.8 PU2NBI PY2OT MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:08:42 7032.0 PY1RI PY1IR CW Brazil 2020-03-01T21:08:16 7017.0 SP9YGD SN95IARU Poland 2020-03-01T21:06:03 7021.8 PU2NBI PP2CC MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:06:01 7005.0 W9SN SQ90PZK Poland 2020-03-01T21:05:09 7013.0 PY2FEB PY2PIM MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:04:14 7014.5 PU4GOD PY4ARS MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:03:09 7010.0 CX3BZ-@ VP8LP Atencao Maratona cuide esta fq DX! TNX Falkland Islands 2020-03-01T21:01:08 7021.8 PU2NBI PY2OSD MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T21:00:06 7010.0 PY1JR PU4GOD QSX 7012.00 vc esta na qrg de Brazil 2020-03-01T20:59:49 7037.9 K5TER K4BYN NC QSO United States 2020-03-01T20:59:11 7003.0 PY2NMS PP5BT MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:58:35 7013.0 PY2FEB PY1SAD MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:58:17 7021.8 PU2NBI PY4ARS MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:56:43 7036.6 W1FM N3CKI United States 2020-03-01T20:55:28 7003.0 PY2NMS PY2XT MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:55:27 7021.8 PU2NBI PY2TEY MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:55:19 7029.0 PU4GOD PP2CC MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:53:29 7029.0 PT2AW PP2CC MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:53:20 7003.0 PY2NMS PP5GG MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:52:24 7010.0 IZ3GOO VP8LP 599 tnx qso Falkland Islands 2020-03-01T20:52:04 7029.0 N0KOE-@ N0KOE/4 NCQP WLK (Wilkes Co) United States 2020-03-01T20:51:50 7010.0 IZ5CML VP8PJ up2 South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T20:51:47 7039.5 K1ETA K3TN/MD Isle of Man 2020-03-01T20:51:45 7021.8 PU2NBI CX3BZ MARATONA-QRS10 Uruguay 2020-03-01T20:49:57 7003.0 PY2NMS PU4GOD MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:49:52 7023.5 PU4GOD PY2NMS MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:49:05 7019.0 SP3PWL SO90PZK ses Poland 2020-03-01T20:48:25 7021.8 PU2NBI PY2PIM MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:48:02 7003.0 WA4GQG-@ NC QSO $0's too long for intra state United States 2020-03-01T20:47:49 7023.5 PU4GOD PT7WM MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:46:30 7021.8 PU2NBI PY3ZZR MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:45:48 7003.0 PY2NMS PY4ARS MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:44:49 7021.8 PU2NBI PY1SAD MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:44:21 7003.0 PY2NMS CX3BZ MARATONA-QRS10 Uruguay 2020-03-01T20:44:07 7025.0 LU5AG CX3BZ Maratona QRS 10 599SA Uruguay 2020-03-01T20:42:39 7007.2 PY2FEB PY2OSD MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:41:25 7018.2 PT2AW PY2TEY MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:40:27 7003.0 PY2NMS PY2PIM MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:39:58 7018.2 PT2AW PY1SAD MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:39:46 7018.0 OH6PA 9Q1C TNX now QSY to 7007 Dem. Rep. of the Congo 2020-03-01T20:38:26 7018.2 PT2AW PR7PM MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:37:42 7037.0 K1DJ W4HG United States 2020-03-01T20:36:50 7026.0 PU2NBI PY5WEF MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:36:41 7018.2 PT2AW PY1IR MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:36:35 7014.0 PY2FEB PY4ARS MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:36:32 7038.0 W4EE W4E NCQP ALA United States 2020-03-01T20:36:26 7010.0 RU9S-@ VP8PJ up 1 1 not busy CQ Alan Armstrong Perseverance DX Group South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T20:36:03 7036.6 K1DJ N4AF United States 2020-03-01T20:35:09 7037.0 N2RC W4HG CW United States 2020-03-01T20:34:41 7035.4 K1DJ W4YSB United States 2020-03-01T20:34:40 7018.2 PT2AW PY2NMS MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:34:36 7018.0 PY2NMS PT2AW MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:34:35 7037.4 W4EE NS9I NCQP MAC United States 2020-03-01T20:34:09 7010.0 OK1OA-@ VP8PJ up 1 1 not busy CQ South Orkney Islands 2020-03-01T20:33:53 7029.0 W3RGA N0KOE NC-QP WLK CW United States 2020-03-01T20:33:25 7038.0 K1DJ W4E United States 2020-03-01T20:33:11 7036.6 W4EE N4AF NCQP BEA United States 2020-03-01T20:32:49 7026.0 PY2NMS PY5WEF MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:32:01 7007.0 RU9S-@ 3Z90PZK 90 YEARS OF PZK ??ôD? 93-218 Poland 2020-03-01T20:31:51 7028.0 PU2NBI PY2TI MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:31:19 7036.6 KS4YX-@ N4AG NCQP Beau United States 2020-03-01T20:31:11 7023.5 PU4GOD ZW86LABRE MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:26:31 7029.0 N0KOE-@ N0KOE/4 NCQP WLK (Wilkes Co) United States 2020-03-01T20:26:03 7012.0 PU2NBI PY1IR MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:25:33 7036.6 W3RGA N4AF NC-QP BEA CW United States 2020-03-01T20:24:46 7033.0 PQ8VA PS8WA MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:24:41 7038.0 KN4CFD W4E United States 2020-03-01T20:23:37 7023.5 PU4GOD PY1IR MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:23:29 7007.0 PY2OSD PY2NMS MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:23:19 7004.0 PY2NMS PY2OSD MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:22:43 7023.0 PT2AW PY4LH MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:22:07 7024.9 PY2FEB ZW86LABRE MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:21:50 7007.0 PY2OSD PY2XT MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:21:24 7023.0 PT2AW PU4GOD MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:21:23 7023.5 PU4GOD PT2AW MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:21:19 7005.0 EA2NA 3Z90PZK CW Poland 2020-03-01T20:20:02 7023.0 PT2AW PY4LR MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:19:27 7005.0 HZ1BH SQ90PZK Strong Sig. 5nn In W/ksa Gdx Poland 2020-03-01T20:19:21 7035.5 W4EE N4A NCQP FRA United States 2020-03-01T20:19:07 7007.0 PU2NBI PY2NCM MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:18:22 7023.0 PT2AW PY2MIA MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:18:09 7004.0 PY2NMS PY1IR MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:17:59 7038.0 W4E-@ W4E NCQP BONUS United States 2020-03-01T20:17:53 7007.0 PY1IR PY2NMS MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:17:53 7037.1 W4EE W4HG NCQP ROW United States 2020-03-01T20:17:44 7036.3 K3AJ NC4S NC United States 2020-03-01T20:17:44 7005.0 SV8EUX SQ90PZK Poland 2020-03-01T20:17:22 7023.5 PY1SAD ZW8BLABRE MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:17:09 7026.8 CT7AIU-@ T77BL San Marino 2020-03-01T20:17:00 7017.8 F8ATS 9Q1C TNX NEW ONE 40 Dem. Rep. of the Congo 2020-03-01T20:15:58 7023.0 PT2AW PY2TI MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:15:54 7005.0 EA2DPA SQ90PZK Poland 2020-03-01T20:15:42 7037.0 K3AJ W4HG NC United States 2020-03-01T20:15:36 7023.5 PU4GOD PY1SAD MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:14:36 7023.0 PT2AW PY1BAB MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:14:22 7026.7 RA5O T77BL tnx QSO San Marino 2020-03-01T20:13:29 7038.8 K3WJV N4IJ NC QP United States 2020-03-01T20:13:09 7010.0 PU2NBI ZW86LABRE MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:12:51 7033.0 PQ8VA PT2AW MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:12:50 7014.9 W3LPL GD0OUD Heard in NH Isle of Man 2020-03-01T20:12:35 7023.0 PT2AW PQ8VA MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:12:22 7023.5 PU4GOD PY4LH MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:11:28 7007.0 PY1IR CX2BZ MARATONA-QRS10 Uruguay 2020-03-01T20:11:06 7038.5 VE2FK N4CAP NCQP CW United States 2020-03-01T20:11:01 7017.8 IW0HBY 9Q1C up 1.1 tnx Dem. Rep. of the Congo 2020-03-01T20:10:51 7026.7 W3LPL T77BL Heard in NH San Marino 2020-03-01T20:10:26 7023.0 PT2AW PY4ARS MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:10:22 7032.6 VE2FK NC4KW NCQP CW United States 2020-03-01T20:10:04 7033.8 W3TAS W4BYN ncqp CW United States 2020-03-01T20:09:43 7010.0 PY2NMS PY4LH MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:09:01 7033.2 VE9AA W1WBB cq nc (qso party) CW United States 2020-03-01T20:08:38 7023.0 PU2NBI PT2AW MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:08:19 7023.0 PT2AW PU2NBI MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:07:06 7007.0 PY2OSD PY2PIM MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:07:05 7010.0 PY2NMS ZW86LABRE MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:06:25 7035.0 KN4CFD KN4JDD United States 2020-03-01T20:05:57 7007.0 PY2OSD PY4ARS MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:05:45 7013.1 PU2NBI PY4LH MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:05:45 7023.0 PT2AW PP2RR MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:05:17 7027.5 HZ1BH SP7VZ Beautiful Sig . 559 In W/ksa Poland 2020-03-01T20:04:53 7017.8 PA2REH 9Q1C tu fb qso gd sig. up1 73 Dem. Rep. of the Congo 2020-03-01T20:02:34 7015.0 PT2AW PY2PIM MARATONA-QRS10 Brazil 2020-03-01T20:02:00 7018.0 IW5BMS 9Q1C TNX 73 UP 2 Dem. Rep. of the Congo 2020-03-01T20:01:22 7033.5 F8SDR N1SOH CW 6 dB 20 WPM CQ <